Hot Tip
If you are expecting an email from us and it is not in your Inbox, unfortunately this happens.
Some email services can get automatically "blacklisted". Our email has the special registrations that prove our email is from a trusted source, but even then accidental blacklisting can happen.
Here are some simple checks which may solve the mystery:
Check your junk and spam folder - don't clear it before checking! If labelled Junk or Spam mark it as NOT Junk or Spam and check the email is moved back to your Inbox.
If you are missing a reset password email add ‘’ or the email address provided by your broker to your contact or safe-sender lists.
Your email providers may have limited storage – check your inbox isn’t full by sending yourself an email.
Click on your email preferences and add any options on what you can receive
Log back in and check your Profile email address.
File a HelpDesk ticket noting that you have taken the steps and if possible provide us with a backup or secondary email address.
What we do a Helpdesk ticket
We check our email service to ensure that it is working for others
We check your service provider and our email status
If those are okay we will let you know. Often the best way to reduce frustration is to change to a secondary email address such as a address.